Investment fraud – building a fraud claim to follow and find the money

5 Jun
14:00 - 15:30

Fraud & Asset Recovery
Member Hosted Events

Seeking recovery for a victim of fraud can be a global challenge where fraudsters do not recognise borders and take steps to put assets out of reach.  It can require an international team to build a successful claim for asset recovery requiring lawyers, forensic experts, asset tracers and funders to work together to achieve the optimum outcome for clients.

Our diverse panel will discuss some practical tips to build an asset recovery claim where there has been a fraud with international bad actors and using the tools of the London court to track and trace funds. We will explore how you can enforce a WFO obtained in London in other jurisdictions and working with your team of investigators to utilise the tools in alternative jurisdictions to achieve recovery for clients.


  • Helen Briant - Trowers & Hamlins
  • Adam Cloherty - XXIV Old Buildings
  • Susan Dunn - Harbour Litigation Funding
  • Mark Biggs - Eminent Crisis Management Group
  • Chris Osborne - Forensic Services, FRP


  • Trowers & Hamlins
  • XXIV Old Buildings