African Arbitration: Has the Elephant Bolted?

5 Jun
16:00 - 17:30

Member Hosted Events

Picking up from MoFo’s 2021 topic “Arbitration and Corruption – the Elephant in the Room”, we revisit the issue with a focus on the English court’s P&ID decision and what this may mean for the arbitration of state related disputes and the added scrutiny and pressure that it may place on Arbitral Tribunals – particularly from the perspective of disputes in Africa and the challenges that these may face.  


  • Chiraag Shah - Morrison Foerster
  • Ben Summerfield - Morrison Foerster
  • Harry Matovu KC - Brick Court Chambers
  • Ricky Diwan KC - Essex Court Chambers


  • Brick Court Chambers
  • Essex Court Chambers
  • Morrison Foerster