Money, Power and Family Feuds - the anatomy of offshore trust disputes

7 Jun
09:00 - 10:30

Trusts & Offshore
Member Hosted Events

In this session, we will explore some of the current themes in offshore trust litigation, including:

Common causes of disputes
The trustee's perspective - what happens when a family goes to war?
Capacity to make decisions - settlors, office holders and the scope of trustees' powers
Succession, fact or fiction? Trust disputes involving family businesses
Transparency - can trust disputes ever remain private?
Blessings, surrenders and directions - what steps can a trustee take?


  • Arabella Murphy - IPOS Mediation
  • Russell Clark - Carey Olsen Guernsey
  • Geoff Kertesz - Stewarts
  • Janice Callander - IQ-EQ Jersey


  • IPOS Mediation
  • Stewarts