Arbitrating with Resilience: strategies and resources for enhancing mental health and wellbeing in a demanding profession

5 Jun
18:15 - 21:00

Member Hosted Events

This event, co-hosted by YIAG and A&O Shearman, will give practical pointers for practitioners to unite against a pressing challenge and opportunity for arbitration practitioners and the legal profession more generally, namely mental health and wellbeing.  Opening remarks will be provided by Jackie van Haersolte-van Hof, Director General of the LCIA, followed by a workshop hosted by that Charlene Gisele, a highly acclaimed performance and wellbeing coach,  noted as “The Coach who busts high achievers’ stress” by The Times. This will be followed by a networking event.


  • Jackie van Haersolte-van Hof - LCIA
  • Charlene Gisele - thought leader on Burnout Prevention, Well-being and Stress Resilience


  • LCIA
  • YIAG
  • A&O Shearman